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Energy Storage 2011


Poster abstracts to print.(abstracts of all 43 posters: 20pgs)

Poster Abstracts

As an essential part of understanding the contribution that materials science will make to accelerating progress toward scalable electrochemical energy storage systems, you are encouraged to submit poster abstracts for inclusion within a poster session of our 4th Symposium on Energy Storage: Beyond Lithium Ion.

The program committee for this symposium will review abstracts for quality and responsiveness to the symposium purpose and theme. The intent is to provide an appropriate venue for sharing research results, approaches, and ideas with those researchers working in the field or with interest in beginning work in scalable electrochemical energy storage.

Abstracts submitted should contain the title, names of authors, abstract body, institutional affiliations, and the email for the presenter. The length of the abstract should be limited to two-thirds of a 8.5" x 11" page. The font size should be no less than 10pt. The pdf file format is preferred. Posters should be no larger than 4' x 4' and will be displayed on freestanding bulletin boards.

Abstract submission is now closed.
Abstract submission deadline was extended to May 23, 2011.

Energy Storage 2011

Attending the Symposium

Contact Information

Program Committee Chair

Local Chairs